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Can AI Create Solutions For The Broken Chocolate Industry?

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You may have heard of ChatGPT, a text-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) platform developed by OpenAI. It is designed to generate text in response to user input, based on the vast amount of text data it has been trained on. The model uses advanced deep learning techniques to understand the context of the user's input and generate relevant and coherent responses.

It is typically used to power chatbots, language translation, question answering, and more. ChatGPT is unique in its ability to generate human-like responses, making it a powerful tool for natural language processing tasks.

So, with that human-esque intelligence, I wondered what it knew about the broken chocolate industry and what, if anything, can be done to fix it. In perhaps one of my weirdest experiences, I interviewed a chatbot!

My questions are in bold type. The AI response follows beneath it, unedited (aside from the spelling corrected to British English and explanations of acronyms).

The Chocolate Industry is Broken

What are your thoughts on the key issues?

I thought I'd start with a simple question to see if it was aware of the issues. It pinpointed the aspects I hoped it would, which was a promising start. I decided to quiz the AI on each of these areas it identified.

There are several key issues facing the chocolate industry, including:

1 Child labour

Despite efforts to address the issue, child labour remains a significant problem in the cocoa industry, particularly in West Africa where the majority of cocoa is grown.

2 Farmer poverty

Many cocoa farmers struggle to make a living wage, and are not able to afford basic necessities such as food and healthcare.

3 Environmental degradation

The cocoa industry has been linked to deforestation and habitat destruction, as farmers clear land to plant cocoa trees.

4 Lack of transparency

It is difficult for consumers to know whether the chocolate they are buying is ethically sourced, as supply chains can be complex and opaque.

5 Climate change

Rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns are affecting the ability to grow cocoa, threatening the livelihoods of farmers and the chocolate industry.

Overall, the chocolate industry is facing a number of critical challenges that need to be addressed in order to ensure that chocolate production is sustainable, ethical, and equitable for all stakeholders.

Child Labour

How do we eliminate child labour?

Child labour is perhaps the most publicised issue in the cocoa industry, and rightly so for the sake of those children enslaved. I was encouraged by the suggestions the AI came up with to rid the supply chain of modern slavery.

Eliminating child labour in the cocoa industry is a complex issue that requires a multifaceted approach. Some strategies that have been suggested to address child labour in the cocoa industry include:

1 Education and awareness raising

Increasing awareness about the issue of child labour among cocoa farmers, consumers, and industry stakeholders can help to build momentum for change.

Governments and industry organisations can play a role in implementing laws and policies that protect children from labour exploitation.

3 Monitoring and enforcement

It's important to monitor the cocoa industry to ensure that child labour laws and regulations are being followed, and that violators are held accountable.

4 Strengthening communities

Communities play an important role in protecting children from labour exploitation. By providing education, healthcare, and other social services, communities can help to create a more conducive environment for children's rights.

5 Investment in alternatives

Investment in alternative income-generating activities can help to reduce the economic pressures that drive families to send children to work.

6 Collaboration

Collaboration between governments, industry, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organisations), and communities is essential to effectively addressing child labour in the cocoa industry.

It's important to note that child labour is a complex issue and solving it will take a long term, sustained effort from all the stakeholders.

Farmer Poverty

Farmer poverty is often cited as the key reason why children work in cocoa plantations. So, if we increase the money farmers receive, that fixes the problems, right?

I thought I'd try a leading question. Farmers earn a pittance and so many resort to using children as a cheap source of readily available labour. Now, I know that paying more for chocolate doesn't necessarily translate into increased money for the farmers, and that more money won't lift them out of poverty and rid the supply chain of child labour, but I wanted to see if the AI knew this.

Increasing the income of cocoa farmers is certainly an important step towards addressing child labour in the cocoa industry. When farmers have a stable and sufficient income, they are less likely to rely on child labour as a means of supplementing their income.

However, it's important to note that increasing farmer income alone is not a complete solution. There are other factors that contribute to child labour, such as lack of education and social services, and cultural norms that view child labour as acceptable. Therefore, a multifaceted approach that addresses both economic and social factors is needed to effectively eliminate child labour in the cocoa industry.

Additionally, it's important to note that increasing farmers income is not a simple task, as the cocoa industry is complex and there are many actors involved. The price of cocoa is determined by the global market, which can be affected by a variety of factors such as supply and demand, weather conditions, and political instability. Therefore, efforts to increase farmer income may need to focus on improving productivity, reducing costs, and creating more direct linkages between farmers and chocolate manufacturers.

Furthermore, it's important to ensure that the benefits of increased income are equitably distributed among farmers and not concentrated among large landowners or middlemen, which could perpetuate poverty and child labour.

In summary, increasing farmer income is an important step towards addressing child labour in the cocoa industry, but it is not a complete solution and should be part of a comprehensive strategy that addresses other factors contributing to child labour.


Deforestation and habitat destruction are issues exasperated by farmers desperate to escape poverty. Over-farming of the land results in reduced yields from cocoa trees, which affects the farmers' bottom line. What's the solution, without using chemicals? How can they ensure the crop grows to its best without resorting to farming virgin land?

While it's easy to view deforestation as the result of greed (and indeed, it probably is in some instances), many cocoa farmers resort to it just to maintain yields as older cacao trees suffer from poor soil conditions. In the face of dire results, you'll do anything to protect your family, right? I wanted to see what the AI could suggest to remove the urge/need to destroy habitats and rainforests to plant new cacao trees.

There are several strategies that cocoa farmers can use to increase yields and reduce deforestation without relying on chemicals:

1 Agroforestry

This is a farming system that integrates trees with crops and/or livestock. By planting cocoa trees under a canopy of taller trees, farmers can create a more favourable microclimate for the cocoa, reduce erosion, and increase biodiversity.

2 Intercropping

This is the practice of growing multiple crops together on the same piece of land. By intercropping cocoa with other crops such as food crops, farmers can increase their overall yields and income.

3 Soil conservation

Healthy soils are essential for sustainable cocoa production. Farmers can improve soil health by using techniques such as mulching, crop rotation, and conservation tillage.

4 Irrigation

In some regions, irrigation can be used to improve crop yields and reduce the need to clear new land.

5 Pruning and training

Proper pruning and training of cocoa trees can increase yields and reduce the need to clear new land.

6 Organic farming

By not using chemicals, farmers can reduce costs and increase yields.

7 Farmer education and extension services

Farmer education and extension services can provide farmers with the knowledge and tools they need to improve yields and reduce deforestation.

8 Community-based conservation

Community-based conservation programs can help to protect and restore important ecosystems, and reduce the pressure on farmers to clear new land.

It's important to note that these strategies are not mutually exclusive and can be combined to get the best results. Additionally, many of these strategies require investment and support from governments, industry, NGOs, and other stakeholders to be implemented effectively.


How can better education and social services improve the situation for farmers and their communities?

A lot of cocoa certification schemes reference improving education, and indeed, the AI has referenced it as a key aspect that needs to improve. But how does it think education can be improved on the ground?

Education and social services can play an important role in improving the situation for farmers and their communities in a number of ways:

  1. Education can help farmers to improve their agricultural techniques and increase yields, which can lead to better livelihoods and reduced pressure to clear new land.
  2. Education can also help farmers to understand and access existing laws, policies, and services that can support them.
  3. Education can also help farmers to understand the importance of sustainable land use practices and the need to conserve natural resources.
  4. Social services such as healthcare and nutrition can help to improve the overall well-being of farmers and their communities. A healthy workforce is more productive.
  5. Education can also help to empower women and girls, which can have a positive impact on the entire community. When women are educated and empowered, they are more likely to be engaged in decision-making, which leads to better outcomes for everyone.
  6. Education can also provide children with alternatives to child labour, and can help to break the cycle of poverty that drives families to rely on child labour.
  7. Education and social services can also help to build stronger and more resilient communities that are better equipped to respond to challenges.

It's important to note that education and social services must be accessible and affordable for all members of the community to be effective. Additionally, education and social services programs should be designed with the input and participation of the communities they serve, to ensure that they meet the specific needs and priorities of those communities.

Climate Change

Climate change threatens the cocoa crop, but the cocoa crop is part of the problem. Is there a solution, or will cocoa eventually disappear?

The cacao crop is under threat from climate change and disease. With farmers ditching the crop in favour of more reliable (and better paying) alternatives, are we heading for a chocolate shortage, or even the end of chocolate altogether?

Climate change is a significant threat to the cocoa crop, as it can lead to changes in temperature and rainfall patterns, increased pest and disease pressure, and soil degradation. This can result in reduced yields and a decline in the overall quality of the cocoa.

However, cocoa is also a contributor to climate change as the conversion of tropical forest to grow cocoa is a significant source of carbon emissions. In addition, the use of agrochemicals and the burning of forests to clear land for cocoa cultivation can also contribute to emissions and deforestation.

There are several solutions that can help mitigate the negative effects of climate change on cocoa production, while also addressing the environmental impact of the cocoa industry:

1 Agroforestry

Agroforestry systems, which combine cocoa cultivation with other crops, can provide shade for the cocoa trees and help maintain soil health. This can help the cocoa trees to adapt to changing weather patterns, and also contribute to carbon sequestration.

2 Sustainable farming practices

Sustainable farming practices such as intercropping, crop rotation, and the use of organic fertilizers can help to improve soil health and reduce the need for agrochemicals. This can help to reduce the environmental impact of cocoa cultivation, and increase the resilience of the crop to climate change.

3 Traceability and certification

Increasing traceability and certification of cocoa can help to ensure that cocoa is produced in an environmentally sustainable way, and that farmers are rewarded for their efforts to reduce their environmental impact.

4 Climate-smart cocoa

Climate-smart cocoa is a farming method that aims to increase the resilience of cocoa trees to changing climate conditions and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This can be done through the use of drought-tolerant varieties, agroforestry, and precision agriculture.

It is likely that cocoa will continue to be grown, but it will require adaptations to ensure that the crop can adapt to changing climate conditions and the environmental impact of cocoa cultivation is reduced. With the right approach, cocoa can continue to be an important crop for farmers and a beloved ingredient in many products.


Why don't we know where our cocoa comes from?

One of my pet peeves is that we don't have 100% visibility over the cocoa supply chain, even in 2023. How can we still not know where our cocoa comes from? Furthermore, if we don't know where it comes from, how can we be sure it is free from child labour,modern slavery, and environmental costs (pesticides, deforestation, etc.)? I wanted to see if AI could shed some light.

There are several reasons why it can be difficult to trace the origin of cocoa:

1 Complex supply chains

Cocoa is typically grown on small family farms and then sold to intermediaries, who then sell it to processors and exporters, who then sell it to chocolate manufacturers. Each step in the supply chain can make it difficult to trace the origin of the cocoa.

2 Lack of transparency

The cocoa industry is often characterized by a lack of transparency, which can make it difficult for consumers to understand where their cocoa comes from.

3 Limited traceability systems

Many cocoa producing countries do not have effective traceability systems in place, which makes it difficult to track the origin of the cocoa.

4 Community-based conservation

Sometimes, cocoa is mixed or blended with cocoa from other regions, making it difficult to trace the origin of the cocoa.

5 Limited consumer demand

Traceability is often a costly process, and unless there's a consumer demand for traceable cocoa, companies might not invest in it.

However, with the increasing awareness of the social, environmental and ethical issues related to cocoa production, more and more companies are investing in traceability programs, certifications and audits to ensure that their cocoa is ethically sourced and sustainable. This includes, for example, the Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, and UTZ certifications. These certifications, however, don't guarantee that the cocoa is 100% traceable from farm to consumer, but they do provide a certain level of assurance that the cocoa was produced sustainably and ethically.


If cocoa is not yet fully traceable, who's responsibility is it to make this happen? Who should take the lead? Where does change begin?

How do we enact change? Where does it begin, and who's responsible for knocking heads together? Everyone blames each other, but isn't it about time we actually made a difference?

There is a shared responsibility among all actors in the cocoa supply chain to make cocoa traceable. This includes:

1 Governments

Governments in cocoa-producing countries have a responsibility to establish traceability systems and regulations that ensure the origin of cocoa can be traced.

2 Farmer organisations

Farmer organisations have a responsibility to ensure that their members are following sustainable and ethical practices, and to provide accurate information about the origin of their cocoa.

3 Intermediaries

Intermediaries, such as traders and processors, have a responsibility to accurately trace the origin of the cocoa they buy and sell.

9 Chocolate manufacturers

Chocolate manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure that the cocoa they use is ethically sourced and sustainably produced, and to provide transparent information about the origin of the cocoa to consumers.

5 Consumers

Consumers have a responsibility to demand traceable cocoa and to support companies that are committed to sourcing cocoa ethically and sustainably.

6 Non-profit organisations

Some non-profit organisations are working on improving the traceability of cocoa supply chains, and ensuring that the cocoa is ethically sourced and produced.

It's important to note that traceability is a complex and costly process, so collaboration and cooperation among all actors in the supply chain is necessary to make it happen. Additionally, the traceability process is still ongoing, and it will take time to ensure full traceability of cocoa, but with the increasing demand for ethically and sustainably sourced cocoa, it's likely that traceability will continue to improve.

It is important for all actors in the cocoa supply chain to take responsibility and take action to make cocoa traceable.

Enacting Change

The solution to fixing the cocoa industry relies on strategies funded and supported by governments, industry, NGOs, and other stakeholders. There's always other pressing issues that demand a more urgent and focussed response, so the cocoa industry continues to lag behind. How do we fix an industry when there's minimal willpower?

Another of my pet peeves here. There's so much chatter, blaming, and inaction. The farmers are desperate for change. The children entrapped in slavery are desperate for change. The climate crisis is here now. Yet, for decades, the chocolate industry has just settled for the status quo. Change needs to happen, but how do we see movement when there's always competing demands for attention, time and money?

Fixing the cocoa industry can be challenging due to a lack of political will and limited resources. However, there are a few strategies that can help to overcome these barriers:

1 Creating a shared vision

By bringing together key stakeholders from governments, industry, NGOs, and other organisations, a shared vision for a sustainable and ethical cocoa industry can be developed. This can help to create a sense of shared ownership and commitment to the issue.

2 Leveraging funding and resources

By identifying and leveraging funding and resources from a variety of sources, such as governments, international organisations, and the private sector, it can be possible to implement sustainable and ethical cocoa practices at scale.

3 Building coalitions

Coalitions of stakeholders can be formed to drive change in the cocoa industry. These coalitions can bring together different perspectives and expertise, and can help to build momentum for change.

4 Raising awareness

By raising awareness about the issues facing the cocoa industry, and the benefits of a sustainable and ethical cocoa industry, it can be possible to build public support for change.

5 Creating incentives

By creating incentives for sustainable and ethical cocoa practices, such as through certification schemes, it can be possible to encourage farmers and other actors in the supply chain to adopt these practices.

6 Empowering local communities

By empowering local communities, such as through capacity building and training programs, it can be possible to build the skills and knowledge needed to implement sustainable and ethical cocoa practices.

It's important to note that change should be a continuous and collaborative process, involving all actors in the supply chain, from farmers to governments, from NGOs to chocolate manufacturers, and consumers. It may take time, but with a shared vision, collaboration, and a commitment to change, it is possible to create a more sustainable and ethical cocoa industry that benefits all actors in the supply chain.

Consumer Power

Can consumers make a difference? Should consumers boycott big chocolate brands? Will it have any noticeable effect?

Given that a lot of the action needs to come from within the supply chain, I wondered what power, if any, consumers really have in influencing change. AI came up with this.

Consumers can play an important role in driving change in the cocoa industry by making informed purchasing decisions and by supporting companies that are committed to sustainable and ethical cocoa practices. By choosing to buy chocolate from companies that use sustainably and ethically sourced cocoa, consumers can send a signal to the market that there is demand for sustainable and ethical cocoa.

There are some certifications and labels that consumers can look for when purchasing chocolate. For example, Rainforest Alliance, Fairtrade, and UTZ certified cocoa beans are considered to be ethically and sustainably sourced.

Additionally, consumers can also advocate for better policies and regulations around cocoa sourcing by contacting their representatives, or by supporting organisations that are working to improve the cocoa industry.

It's also worth mentioning that consumers can also reduce their chocolate consumption or opt for other options that may have less impact on environment and labour conditions, such as cocoa alternatives like carob, or cocoa-free chocolate.

It's important to note that individually, consumers can make a difference, but collectively, they can have a bigger impact on the cocoa industry by making their voice heard, and by supporting and demanding sustainable and ethical practices.

Boycotting big chocolate brands can be one way for consumers to express their dissatisfaction with the industry's practices, and to send a signal to the market that there is demand for sustainable and ethical cocoa. However, whether it will have a noticeable effect on the industry depends on the scale of the boycott and the strength of consumer demand for sustainable and ethical cocoa.

It's important to note that boycotting alone may not solve all issues related to cocoa industry, it could have a negative effect on small farmers who may suffer from the economic downturn created by the lack of demand.

An alternative approach for consumers to consider is to support companies that are committed to sustainable and ethical cocoa practices, by purchasing their products and by encouraging others to do the same. This can help to create a market for sustainable and ethical cocoa and can encourage other companies to follow suit.

Consumers can also influence the industry by being informed about the certification schemes and labels, and by choosing products that are certified as ethically and sustainably sourced. They can also contact companies and ask them about their sourcing practices, and encourage them to improve their standards.

It's important to note that change in the cocoa industry should be a collaborative process involving all actors in the supply chain, from farmers to governments, from NGOs to chocolate manufacturers, and consumers. Consumer activism can be a powerful force to drive change, but it should be done in a way that is not harmful to small farmers and communities.

Will Change Ever Happen?

Will the chocolate industry ever be fixed? Is there any hope for tomorrow's desperate cocoa farmers?

The enormous challenge feels pretty overwhelming. Change has been on the table for decades without any real movement. Certification systems and technological traceability are improvements, but the industry is far from squeaky clean and is still enormously imbalanced. Will change ever happen?

The cocoa industry faces complex and interconnected challenges, from child labour and poverty to deforestation and climate change. Fixing the industry will require a multi-faceted approach and the collaboration of all actors in the supply chain, from farmers to governments, from NGOs to chocolate manufacturers, and consumers.

There are examples of initiatives and programs that are working to improve the cocoa industry, such as cocoa certification schemes, farmer training programs, and community development initiatives. These programs can help to improve the livelihoods of cocoa farmers, reduce child labour, and promote sustainable practices.

However, it is important to note that these initiatives are not a panacea, and they are not enough to solve all the problems of the cocoa industry. More efforts and investments are needed to improve the living conditions of farmers and to reduce the environmental impact of cocoa production.

The future of the cocoa industry depends on the collective will of governments, industry, NGOs, and consumers to work together to create a sustainable and equitable cocoa sector. It's a long-term and ongoing process, but there is hope for tomorrow's desperate cocoa farmers. With the right policies, investments, and consumer demand, the cocoa industry can be transformed into a sector that benefits farmers, communities, and the environment.

Can Change Happen in a Lifetime?

What's your vision for the chocolate industry? where do you see it in 50 years time?

I'm not daft. I was talking to a computer, although it felt eerily real. But I wondered whether AI, with all its knowledge, could envision a future where child labour is non-existent and farmers are no longer trapped in poverty. I can dream, but can the AI?

As a language model AI, I do not have personal vision, however I can tell you that it is important for the chocolate industry to become sustainable in the long-term.

In 50 years time, I envision a chocolate industry that is fully traceable, where consumers can be assured that the cocoa they are consuming is grown in an environmentally-friendly and socially-responsible way.

Farmers should be paid a fair price for their cocoa, with a proportion of that price going towards community development projects. This will help to alleviate poverty and improve the lives of cocoa farmers and their families.

Furthermore, through the use of sustainable farming practices, such as agroforestry, farmers should be able to produce cocoa yields that are both high and resilient in the face of climate change.

In addition, the chocolate industry should continue to innovate, creating new and exciting flavors, using new ingredients and exploring new production methods, to keep up with the changing consumer taste and demand.

Finally, the industry should be transparent in its practices, providing information to consumers about the origins of the cocoa beans used, and the sustainable practices used in the production process.

What do you reckon - does AI have the solutions for permanent meaningful change in the chocolate industry? Let me know in the comments below.

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Chocolate Hamper

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Green & Black's started on London's Portobello Road back in 1991 and has since grown into a giant that's now part of Mondelēz International. The core products are created with organic and Fairtrade cocoa. Besides producing a range of chocolate bars, Green & Black's also stocks a range of gifting products, including chocolate hampers.

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