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Unusual Chocolate Flavours [Page 4]

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When it comes to chocolate, I love the weird and the wonderful. I love flavour combinations that sound outrageous or are just unexpected. We’ve all heard of salted caramel chocolate but how about bacon chocolate, curry chocolate, Marmite chocolate, or even reindeer chocolate? This is the section of where you’ll find the bizarre and the unusual flavours of chocolate we’ve tasted and heard about.

Omnom Chocolate Haul

Omnom Chocolate Bar Competition Haul Review

This Easter, Iceland's Omnom Chocolate ran a colouring competition to help encourage some creativity during the COVID-19 global lockdown. So, one sunny day, my son and I sat outside and coloured in geometric patterns based around their logo and Mr...

Hot Chocolate Drums

Hot Chocolate at Whittard of Chelsea°

Whittard of Chelsea may be famous for its tea selection, but it also boasts a sizeable coffee and hot chocolate range too. Drums of hot chocolate powder in a wide variety of flavours are available throughout the year. Keep an eye out for limited edition seasonal flavours that are only available for short periods. Gift sets are a great choice at Christmas or for birthday celebrations.

Shop at Whittard of Chelsea°